Thursday, April 14, 2011

Candidates express views on schooling

School board candidates took opposing stands on the proposal for schooling at the Lenoir Retirement Center Tuesday night.

The senior citizens asked the candidates what they would do in regard to year-round schooling, teacher unionization, overcrowding and other changes, instead of the $35 million bond appearing on the April ballot.

Candidate Henry Lane proposed multiple schedules for year-round schooling to help decrease overcrowding by reducing the amount of students attending school every day.

Board President Elton Fay said he doesn’t believe that year-round schooling is realistic. He thinks year-round schooling would mean separate schedules for students of different ages.

“This community does not want schools on totally different schedules,” Fay said.

Candidate Larry Dorman stated that he would work to get rid of overcrowding and increase salaries for teachers.

Incumbent Kerry Corino pointed out that the increasing population leads to larger class sizes.

One senior citizen asked about teacher unionization in the district.

Fay said teachers cannot bargain collectively in this state.

“The teachers are anti-union,” Corino added. “That tells you a lot of things about how this city operates.”

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