Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gunman robs liquor store, takes $2,845

Springfield—A gunman is on the loose after robbing the Black Derby Liquor Store of $2,845 at gunpoint, at 2311 Ripley Way.
Steve Bellinos, 28, was working as the clerk at the store that evening when a man with a pillowcase over his head entered the store at 7:12 p.m. The man pulled out a gun and ordered Bellinos to put the money in the cash register in another pillowcase, police said.
Bellinos described the robber to the police as about 6 feet tall and weighing 155 pounds, wearing blue jeans and a dirty white T-shirt with a torn right sleeve.
Bellinos triggered a silent alarm at 7:16 p.m., police said. Police officers Anne Fulgham and Jose Lopez answered the alarm and arrived at 7:19 p.m.
The man fled as he saw the police car roll up. Officer Fulgham warned the robber as he fled and fired at him but missed, police said. The officers pursued him into an alley where he eventually escaped.
John Paul Reinicke, 35, witnessed the event as he walked down Ripley Way. “The officers did a good job,” he said. “The guy ran so fast he looked like a track star.”
Ralph Martinson, 53, is the owner of the store and confirmed that $2,845 was taken in the robbery.
Police Chief Antonio Grasso said a routine investigation of the incident would be made by the Police Internal Security Squad. This is standard procedure whenever an officer fires a service revolver, he said.

Gunman robs bank

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